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Our Neighbours

We strive to ensure positive relationships with our neighbours. This includes those that we work with to co-manage Rookwood Cemetery, in addition to peak industry bodies.  

Rookwood General Cemetery is custodians of 190 hectares of Rookwood, which equates to two-thirds of the cemetery. The office of Australian War Graves also sits within this area. The remainder is managed by the Catholic Metropolitan Cemeteries Land Managers and the Rookwood Memorial Gardens and Crematorium. We also have the office of Australian War Graves onsite. The Rookwood Necropolis Lang Managers was established to manage Rookwood’s common property and infrastructure.

When it comes to peak bodies, the Cemeteries and Crematoria Association of NSW (CCA NSW) exists to represent the interests of Cemeteries and Crematoria in New South Wales. We see CCA NSW as a key neighbour to our organisation.